Sunday, December 14, 2008

Advent Activity--Day 13--Hand-stamped gift tags

Today for our Advent activity we did the Day 11 activity that we missed. To be honest, I was going to blow that one off completely, but my oldest son has a stellar memory. So.......we stamped gift tags for our teacher gifts (the ones that haven't been made yet). And we DIDN'T do the Day 13 activity which was wrapping the teacher gifts (since they haven't been made yet, obviously!). UGH! I actually was just working on those gifts right before I came upstairs to type this (10:55 p.m. on Saturday night). And I can't get the fabric I am using to work with the pattern, so I'm going to research PLAN B as soon as I get this post written. Still, I am optimistic about the finished result. I work very well under pressure.

Here are some little hands busy stamping our gift tags. I guess I took fewer photos than I thought I did. Oh well.........

And here are a few finished tags from the front side. The back side has "To" and "From" stamped using a different stamp that I have. The boys both seemed to enjoy doing this. I have TONS of stamps and we don't actually get them out and use them much. So......I'm thinking we'll have to do this again. Maybe for Valentine's Day.

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