Thursday, January 22, 2009

Project 365 Update

There is still not a clear answer about whether or not Becky Higgins' Project 365 kit will be available for more of us to order. However, I am happy to say that I am still committed to the project, even though I don't yet know how I'll showcase my photos. I thought I would share with you a few recent photos that don't show faces. For those of you who personally know my children, try to imagine the sweet face that goes with each picture.

To document the history-making moments of this past week, I snapped a photo of the Wall Street Journal from Inauguration Day along with a VERY cool Inauguration Day necklace my friend, Amber, made me. (THANKS, AMBER!)

It was warm enough yesterday for us to play outside and even ride bikes. I love this photo of my little boy's shadow against the garage wall. He strategically stopped the bike at the same place on the sidewalk on each "loop" so he could watch his shadow.

And here's a "hind" view of him pedalling down the sidewalk.

This one cracks me up! I took it just tonight. My little boy loves to look at catalogs and was busy studying the Mindware catalog that we got in the mail today. Since he was a baby, he has been mildly obsessed with his belly button. He often pulls up his shirt and pokes it, or places his finger into it. I have thought so often that I should take a photo of this to document his little "obsession" before it disappears. And I finally got around to doing it tonight. Those of you who know him have probably seen his belly more times than you can count! Sorry!

And lest you think my older boy is forgotten, fear not. I have the sweetest photo of him sound asleep on the couch.........he has had a bad cold all week and has missed a few days of school. Each day he napped for a while on the couch and one day I caught him in mid-slumber. It has been a long time since I've had a photo of him sleeping. He looked SO amazingly sweet and also looked so much like Daddy in that photo. I won't be sharing it here because I always maintain our privacy; however, please know he hasn't been left out of the photos!

1 comment:

  1. My middliest child is obsessed with the Oriental Trading catalog. I have no idea why, but she thumbs through it and dog ears pages for me!
