Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Windfall at the bookstore

Today I went to Parables bookstore to find some books to help my oldest son with some questions he's been having about God and faith. I wanted to share with you the ones I purchased because I think they are really awesome. I am taking the time to provide Amazon links for each book. However, I want to let you know that I TRIED to post Parables links to the items to support purchasing from your local Christian bookstore. However, for some reason, the search button on the Parables website was not able to locate any of the titles. Weird, huh? I know all these titles are available there because I just bought them there. Anyway, the images below are courtesy of Amazon and I've linked to Amazon.

If I Could Ask God Anything by Kathryn Slattery is the main book I bought to help my 7 1/2 year old. This is such an awesome book. I really think it's a must have for all Christian parents of elementary aged children as well as any Sunday School teachers of that age group. It seriously has hundreds of questions that children might ask and has very concise but appropriate answers, all linked to Scripture. I love this book. My son immediately read the page titled, "If God is invisible, how can I know He is real?" And afterwards, he truly seemed to be comforted and to have a better understanding of this complex issue.

A Picture of God 3 in 1 by Joanne Marxhausen was one I bought because it really clearly and concretely explains the Trinity. The saleslady who was helping me said this book has been around for years (copyright 1973), but I had never seen it. My son also read this one right away in the van on the way home from school. He liked it a lot. (PS: If you want to borrow this for Sunday School, Monica, let me know!!)

The Story of the Resurrection Eggs: Benjamin's Box by Melody Carlson is something I picked up for Easter along with the set of Resurrection Eggs pictured below. I think the combination of the book and the eggs will be a nice Easter tradition to start this year.

For Easter gifts for the boys I also picked up a copy of Gotta Have God: Devotions for Boys for each of them. I got the 6-9 year old version for my 7 year old and the 2-5 year old version for my 3 year old. One thing I really liked about these devotion books was that you can start them at any time of year. Most of the other devotion books I looked at were set up on a January-December schedule. Knowing our family life and realizing honestly that we probably won't do a page a day, I liked the flexibility of this series. I also like that there are little activity pages with each devotion/story. In the younger version, there are pictures and your little one circles or colors pictures to indicate their thoughts and answers. In the older version, there is more writing required.

Some women have a thing for purses or shoes; my thing is books. I guess a good way to look at it is they never go out of style or end up not fitting! :0)


  1. We got signed copies from the illustrator in Dallas at the MOPS convention of the Benjamin's Box book. He is the illustrator of the Advent Book we purchased there that we love!

  2. We usued Benjamins' Box along with the eggs last year. It was a big hit. Alex did a family presentation on Easter day to the whole family re-telling the story using the Eggs. The grandparents LOVED it.
