Friday, July 3, 2009

Cookie cutter star prints

I saw this idea recently on No Time For Flashcards. This was a really easy holiday craft for the 4th of July. I just cut a piece of blue cardstock in half, one piece for each boy. Then I squirted red and white acrylic paint onto 2 paper plates, added a star cookie cutter for each color, and let them make star prints. Easy peasy!!

And here's how they turned out. Pretty neat, huh?



  2. The star prints turned out really nice. At Valentines I did a similar activity with heart shaped cutters in different sizes which I purchased at a dollar store. I offered a choice of gold paint on dark purple or purple paint on light pink. We just used tempera paint and copy paper (50 kids to provide for). I set it up with an ice cream pail of soapy water and a brush for cleaning the cutters between each use. The kids really enjoyed it. Your bunting turned out really nice, I think that folding so that it looks good on both sides is a wonderful idea.
