I can't believe how rarely I am making it over to this space to write posts. Hopefully I will find the time and motivation to write more over here soon. Anyway, a few weeks ago I became aware of this book, written by Candace Cameron Bure (of Full House fame for those of you who are old enough, also the sister of Kirk Cameron) and Darlene Schacht. At the time I read a review of the book our MOPS group was going to have a speaker about fitness and health. On a whim I decided to email Darlene to ask if she would send me a copy to give away at our MOPS meeting. Being the gracious and generous woman she is, she sent me THREE copies: one for MOPS, one to keep and one to give away on this blog.
I read my copy cover to cover in one day. There is a lot of good stuff in this book. What I loved most about it was its focus on the need for spiritual as well as physical fitness. There are many Scripture references in this book which I found to be helpful and thought-provoking. There is also a lot of practical advice and encouragement for living a healthier life. I have already implemented some of the suggestions in this book and have seen results. I have dropped a few pounds already and have started exercising again after a three-month hiatus. Candace and Darlene truly gave me the encouragement and motivation I needed to get back into a healthy lifestyle. Some of the great advice tips I've used so far include: being mindful of how much I am eating (I tend to eat extra servings of food I really love), being mindful of when and why I am eating (I also had gotten into a habit of snacking after my boys were in bed which was adding a lot of calories to my overall consumption each day), and drinking more water. I am a diet soda fiend, so I am still working on this one.
Candace has included several of her favorite healthy recipes in the book. The first week after I read the book I tried (and liked) several of these recipes.
All in all, I whole-heartedly recommend this book. I do not have a lot of weight to lose (hopefully another 5 pounds.....), but I still found it very useful. I am planning to give my "keep" copy to our local library so others can enjoy it.
If you would like to win your very own copy of this book, leave a comment on this post telling what you struggle with most when it comes to either physical or spiritual fitness. I'll keep the giveaway open until Friday, February 11th. Then I'll choose a winner randomly from the comments.
I think the thing I struggle with the most right now is trying to keep my family all healthy at once so we can make it to church... we have all been so sick this year with colds, injuries, etc.
Of course I also wish I could find more time to fit in physical fitness, but that will come when the little one gets a tad older.
Looks like a great book!
I am a snacker - also when my kids are in bed!! I seem to crave something sweet!!
I struggle with balance. How to manage to live a healthy life and taking care of my spiritual fitness. This looks like a really good book.
I struggle with eating healthy when I tired. Sometimes I find it too much to figure out something that would be a better choice rather than just grab something easy. Thanks for the chance- the book looks great!
I struggle with daily devotions.
I struggle with remembering that being healthy, eating well, and working out are not solely for the purpose of losing weight. Just because the numbers on the scale aren't moving, doesn't mean it's all for nothing. Health is more than weight.
I struggle with finding a way to fit it all in- cooking healthy food, getting to the gym to workout and getting the house to not look like a tornado just blew through.
I love homemade goodies and have almost zero self-control once I make them. I've been really working on not baking as often and controlling the sweets I am eating throughout the day.
Thank you Cameron and Laura for this opportunity!
I struggle the most,spiritually and fitness/health-wise, with discipline and self-control. I have a family history of lots of medical issues...my mom died at 59 of a stroke and that was a big wake up call (after 2 years of steadily gaining weight from sadness/depression/lose of self control). After something finally clicked in my head I lost 19 pounds but struggle to keep it off let alone lose the other 20 that I need too. Most importantly I want to be a good role model to my children.
I would love this book, I struggle most with lack of motivation to work out! Hope I win! Kim
I struggle with motivation to exercise. I always feel great after exercising, but it's a struggle to begin!
I struggle with consistency in scripture reading. Thanks for this giveaway.
I have really started working on the food issues that I have over the last few months. I'm seeing results, but still struggle with my entire mouth full of sweet teeth (sure wish I just had "A" sweet tooth). I LOVED Candace growing up - she was like, you know, like one of my like favorites. ;)
With my physical life, I struggle with drinking to much soda & snacking to much. I had greatly improved on those areas and then I got married & I am picking up hubby's habits.
I struggle the most with consistency with exercise and my spiritual life!
I struggle with potion control and making time to exercise instead of mindlessly browsing the internet!
It is strange how you mentioned this book when I just caught her on television. I never watch and for some reason I turned it on to her. Her interview really touched me. I am struggling with my weight- I am afraid to look but I know in my heart that I have made it to 300. I knew my struggle was not physical only and I have been struggling with my relationship with God. With homeschooling and life , He has become a whisper. I was leaning toward finding away to get her book. I don't enter many blog give aways but today yours called to me. If it was meant to be- it will happen.
I struggle with developing a healthy body image, and, as another poster mentioned, moving beyond the numbers on the scale to understand and accept what is best for my body.
It is hard to narrow down what I struggle with the most (there's a lot I struggle with=D) but I probably would say with balance to live healthy: mind, body & soul. The physical is in need of MUCH attention, I could have a list a mile long. I'm a stay-at-home-mom homeschooling my 6yo autistic son, so everyday has its own unique challenges. It's hard to focus on anything, or get anything done-let alone take care of myself. Thanks for offering the giveaway.
Danae@Believing Unbeliever
I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. I have been trying to be better this year but already I feel like I am slipping away from this goal.
My struggle is self-control! If I like it, I'll eat all of it! I also need to sleep more because when I'm tired, I eat and never feel full.
Exercising in the winter is really hard for me because of the challenges of cold and snow. I don't have any indoor exercises that i enjoy.
I struggle with keeping a balance between work, home, church, family, and friends. I am learning to become a Montessori teacher. I have a senior and an 8th grader. My father and my inlaws are in their 80's.
So I feel squezzed and stressed. I need to focus on my own health and start back on an exercise program beacuse I am getting that middle age spread! I would love a book with spiritual guidance to help me.
I struggle with making time for everything I want/need to do! I often find, like most mommas, that I end up being last on the list...and so I just don't have the time to take care of myself, my health, and my spirituality the way I want to.
This looks like a very good read.
I too struggle with overeating my favorite foods (mostly pasta) and not drinking enough water. I teach kindergarten, and as you know, sometimes it's hard to take breaks. I would love to win this book!!!
What a coincidence that I logged on tonight and read your post. Recently I have been feeling out of sorts. Nothing in particular I can put my finger on. Everything on the outside seems good - health, job, family - but I feel I am not realizing my full potential. I think maybe a spiritual and physical realignment is in order. I would love to read this book.
I stuggle with management - time management, food management, exercise management and teacher prepartion management. It seems I have great ideas and intentions but I can't seem to do them all. This can then sometimes make management seem overwhelming!
I struggle with making exercise a priority, and with portion control.
I'm noticing my young daughters picking up my overeating habits, so I must curb that NOW, in all of us.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I struggle with both. I have been doing better about eating healthy but need to work in the exercise. Also trying to find the best time to have some quiet time for scriptures and devotional. This sounds like a great book!...would love a chance to win a copy. {I am a Full House fan! ;)}
Hi, I'm Jenny.
This is my first time posting but have followed your blog for quite a while now. I am not too blog savvy. I have to say I love your blog and truly appreciate your emails and hard work.
This book sounds great. I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my children and the youngest is 9. I have started working out again and am trying to focus not on my weight but on being healthy and hopefully the weight will follow. My biggest struggle right now and for the past 2 years is spiritually. I can't seem to get back on track. I'm too busy for my bible and the only spiritual time I seem to squeeze in is from my iphone music library. I am truly feeling a hole in my life and know exactly what it is but am having a really difficult time fixing it. I am in need of a good book to rekindle my passion for God. Thanks again for all you do. Have a great day.
Thanks for the review. So glad that you liked it!! I'll send a tweet out for you as well.
I struggle with constantly snacking - even if I'm not hungry or craving anything. It's as if it's a habit. I also struggle with finding motivation (and keeping it when I do find it) to exercise. I know I should, but I just sit on my butt.
Such a great post. I absolutely love this book. Please don't enter me in the give away. I have a copy and did my own give away two weeks ago. So happy that women are given more opportunities to read this book. Have a great week.
My blog is http://cyndisstory.blogspot.com
I struggle with both spiritual and physical fitness. I could definitely benefit from a book like this, plus...Candace Cameron Bure is one of my role models.
I struggle with regular exercise. It is so easy to sit - when I could get up and be active
I struggle the most in the evening. I am worn out after a day of school and then I come home and "collapse". I new motivation for healthy eating and exercise would be a welcome "treat"!
Thanks so much for both of your blogs--I have followed them for a year and it has been so refreshing to pull some of the activities I made from the blog last year out of the totes and have them ready to go!
I am on a perpetual plateau. I need help to change it.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would love to win this. Thank you for the opportunity!
My biggest problem with physical fitness is making sure I exercise every single day.
Mrs. White
Would love to read this book. Thanks for giving a copy away.
i struggle w/ discipline
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
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