Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rhyming mittens

Another activity on our home learning shelf this month is rhyming pictures. I printed this from Kidssoup. To display it on the shelf, I used a divided wooden box from one of our Melissa & Doug toys. I think it originally had sewing cards in it. I hate to thrown these boxes out; however, I usually don't end up storing the activity in them unless they have a lid. This one was perfect for this activity.

I placed the mitten cards on one side with mini clothespins on the other.

To do this activity, lay out all the mittens for one "hand", if that makes sense. Then have your child name all the pictures on those mittens. Next, take a mitten from your "other hand" stack and match it to the mitten with its rhyming picture.

You can use the mini clothespins to clip the matching mittens together.

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