Monday, January 12, 2009

Tracks in the Snow

Here is another activity on the home learning shelf. I printed this one from Kidssoup. I have gotten way more than my money's worth from that subscription. I highly recommend it!

Here is how I have the work set up on the shelf. I just used one of our little "snack" cups to hold the matching cards.

Here is the work laid out on our little work rug.

Here is a closer-up view. One thing these photos don't show that I like about this particular set of cards is that one shows a tire track and one a shoe footprint. These would be much more within the realm of most children's actual experience than some of the animal tracks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - I love this idea. I've been thinking we need to do more with tracks around here. I may have to look into getting a kidsoup membership...Your ideas are so wonderful. I just love popping into your blog for daily inspiration - thank you for all your sharing!
