Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Very sweetly........

.............my DH hung up a shelf for me tonight. I had spray painted it this weekend, but since we adopted Buzz on Sunday, he didn't have time to hang it up for me. DH and I have a little thing we do when we are trying to get each other to do something that the other person may not want to do. We say, "Could you very sweetly................?" It is kind of hard to pointblank tell someone "no" when they ask that way. You should try it sometime. Anyway........I called DH today when I came home at lunchtime to walk Buzz and said, "Tonight when you get home could you very sweetly hang up the shelf I painted this weekend?" And of course he said, "Yes."

Before I show you the big "reveal"............the next photo shows the shelf before I painted it Heirloom White. It was hanging in our kitchen when we bought the house. It was hanging really high............we once had a plant on it (until I killed the plant), and we actually had to stand on a chair in order to water it. Anyway..........I was looking at it once and had the brillant idea to take it down, spray paint it, and hang it over our bed.

So, before I spray-painted it, here is what it looked like.

When decluttering one of my closets, I found a bunch of black and white family photos in mismatched frames in a tub. So..........I decided to spray paint them to match the shelf. Below you can see what they looked like before.

Below you can see my "new" shelf above our bed. I didn't put shams on the pillows........too lazy........but that would make the whole thing look even better. I had DH hang it high enough so I wouldn't bonk my head on it when reading in bed. However, I think I need to hang something below it........I'm thinking I'll look for an off-white serving platter to hang there.

Here's a close-up of the shelf. I really love the look of the cream-framed photos on the cream shelf. However, I wanted to add a little color. So............I placed a few other items on it that I found on a recent thrifting outing.

Here's a close-up of the little red and cream cake stand (or whatever). I placed a little photo of my mom from when she was a little girl on it along with my thrifted vase and flowers. Yes........I put my mom on a pedestal. She deserves it. If you know her, you know that is true!

Here are a few more close-ups of some of my photos. I placed ones of my family on the side of the shelf that hangs over my side of the bed and DH's family ones are over his side. That way they can "watch over" us while we sleep. Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwww............

I love how this turned out. I already have a bunch more things that are going to get refreshed and repurposed with spray paint soon!!


  1. I love how it turned out! Don't look for an off white serving tray, look for a great shape and paint it off white! ;-) Another idea would be to take embroidery hoops (that you could paint off white) in different sizes and frame different fabrics in them and then hang them in a little collage. Perhaps find fabrics to match your quilt or the drapes on your closet!

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  3. looks great! A big improvement, bed you can't wait to go to bed now :o)
    we don't have shelves in the bedroom due to earthquakes!
