Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Farm Week: Day 3 Berry Picking

Today our special "farm" activity was going strawberry picking at a nearby berry farm. We went with my friend, Julie, and her two children. This morning we read the story Jamberry by Bruce Degen. We have owned this book forever and the boys have both heard it and enjoyed it. However, it was fitting to pull it out again today. Homeschoolshare has a whole unit around this book. My oldest son completed one of the papers from that unit and I had printed several others for my younger son, but he wasn't interested in them today.

While we were at the berry patch, I remembered another perfect book for this topic. We have this one too, I think, but didn't pull it out to read yet. It is The Little Mouse, the Red, Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood. I just did a quick Google search and found some activities for this here (scroll down)........and here (free printable activity sheet). There are lots more out there..........just type in the title on Google and you'll find a bunch.

We had a perfect day to go berry-picking. The weather was perfect. A fun surprise was that the berry patch also has a fantastic playground which our children could play on for $1 per child. Actually, playground isn't even a term that is accurate to describe it. There were so many cool buildings to explores, logs to climb, etc. We are definitely heading back there this fall for pumpkin picking and a hay rack ride. I didn't take very many photos without children.........just this one of a little hand picking berries.

And this one of our lovely berries. My oldest son has eaten a TON of these already, just plain. As soon as I publish this post I'm going to do a Google search for strawberry recipes. I was thinking I might attempt strawberry jam, but I'm not sure we picked enough. And frankly, I'm kind of intimidated about making jam. One of these days..................
A final lament..........I am chomping at the bit to be able to show a bunch of great home dec projects I've finished up. DH was going to hang them tonight so I could photograph them, but by the time we had time to do it, it was past 9:00 p.m. and time for the boys to go to bed. So the big reveal will have to wait until tomorrow.


  1. I aDORE Jamberry. This was my special book with my youngest who is now 14. The other day I got out the basket of all my kids' old board books to read to my grandaughter, 19 mos. and there it was! My 14 yr. old was so excited and immediately read it to babykins. It was like I'd come full circle. Love your blog; it's inspirational and relaxing.

  2. My little ones LOVE The Big Hungry Bear, they both read it in the church nursery here when they were younger. We went berry picking a few weeks ago and I didn't even think to incorporate some books, great idea!

    Have you ever made freezer jam? It's VERY, VERY easy and delicious! You should definitely try some. If not with the berries you picked, grab a container at the store (or frozen bag)-it's really good.

    Here's a great tutorial:

    We make this every year and the kids (and adults) adore it!

    Thanks again for all of the wonderful ideas! Have a great week!

  3. I made cooked strawberry jam for the first time just a few days ago. (I'm going to do a blog post about it tomorrow!) I was intimidated too, but it was *very* easy, and oh so yummy!
