Thursday, June 4, 2009


Warning: This is a very long post with LOTS of photos. I am so excited to finally be able to show off what I've been creating for our master bedroom. A month or so ago I started the process of decluttering and making over our bedroom. You can see the before pictures in this post. When I began this process I already had a quilt that I loved and a wall color that I loved. So I based my decorating color scheme around that. I've been gradually collecting accessories at garage sales and thrift stores. I've also been repurposing some items from around our home. we go.

The photo below shows 2 oval mirrors in pewter frames. I bought these at my favorite thrift store right here in my hometown. They were $6 each............a little pricey, but I hadn't found anything else like them anywhere else and they were perfect for my project. Be patient.........I'll show you the finished product shortly. :0)

This large gold L is from Hobby Lobby. It is about 10 inches tall. I bought it when the wall decor was 50% off, so it was around $5.

My plan was to use the above items to create a monogram over our bed. I removed the oval mirrors and spray-painted the frames and the L with Colonial Red paint. Below you can see the view of the monogram from the doorway of our bedroom. They hang right below the shelf that I wrote about in this post.

The next two photos show it more close up. To complete the monogram, I had purchased metal letters for my husband's and my first names from Hobby Lobby a while back. They were originally black and I spray-painted them Heirloom White. I hung them from the red oval frames with a piece of black gingham ribbon. They are the teeniest bit larger than the frames, but I kind of like the dimension that adds to it.

The wall color looks washed out in these photos, but it is a really pretty soft blue.

Below is a close-up of my initial.

To cover the exposed screw head, I adhered a pretty button to it using a Glue Dot. Hopefully that will hold it on. If not, I'll hot glue the button on. up.........I bought 2 ugly gold plastic candle holders at a garage sale for 75 cents each. The white wicker frame is for another project I haven't shown yet. I'll keep you in suspense on that for now.

Using my Colonial Red spray paint, I transformed the ugly gold candle holders into something striking and beautiful.......just right for my bedroom makeover.

I hung these next to the trio of white tin squares. The candles were bought on clearance at Hobby Lobby for 46 cents each!!

It could just be my imagination which is clouded by a spray paint fog, but I really think that now these look like painted wrought iron as opposed to cheap plastic.

The black metal candle holder shown below has almost been relegated to the garage sale pile. However, I decided to spray paint it red and add it to my bedroom as an accessory.

The two shelves in the photo below were originally in my basement and were brown. I painted them Heirloom White and they are now on my bedroom wall. I pulled together found and thrifted items to accessorize them. The tulip photo is one I took many years ago of a tulip we grew in our yard. It was already matted and framed but the frame was black. Colonial Red spray paint to the rescue! It matches the colors perfectly. I already had the white glass vase. On the other shelf, the red candle was a gift from one of my students, the white plate was a Goodwill find, and the white seashell ball was from my favorite thrift store for $3. On top of the red candle holder it almost looks like a topiary.

Here you can see the detail on the seashell ball. I love it. So unique!!

I hope you've enjoyed this little tour. I have more projects up my sleeve that I will hopefully complete soon so I can share them. I have to dedicate this post to Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick. When I stumbled upon her blog a few months ago, my eyes were totally opened to what I could do to make my home more beautiful on a small budget. Thanks, Sarah, for your decorating inspiration!!


  1. Pretty bedroom! I agree that the red candle holders look like iron - I thought they were when I saw the pic on your teaser post. I think you've done a super job :)

  2. Everything looks so beautiful in your "new" bedroom, Laura! I love the red, white and light blue color combo. One of my favorites when I stamp cards! I am amazed at all you have done with thrift store finds. Very inspirational!

  3. you are so creative. The paint changes make a big difference. The red and white looks great against the soft blue walls.

  4. I love the makeover!!! Love what you did w/ the letters too!
    As you know, I am addicted as well!
    and love the plastic holders painted....soo neat!
