OK.........I really hope DH won't be horrified by this post because truly in these photos our bedroom looks worse than I thought it did. As you know if you've been reading for a while, I have been trying to follow
Flylady for about the last month. I've been diligently going through my house room by room, closet by closet, cluttered surface by cluttered surface, drawer by drawer and de-cluttering. It feels really good to purge and even better to thoroughly clean the newly decluttered areas. I knew our bedroom needed work, but I was patiently waiting until the Master Bedroom came up as a Zone on Flylady's schedule of zones and I was meanwhile working my decluttering magic in other areas of the house. Flylady really emphasizes staying focused and not getting distracted. It's been hard because as you see in the photos in this post I have been walking right past a lot of clutter in my bedroom every day. So I'm writing this to come clean once and for all. During the next several days I am going to be focused on decluttering my bedroom and making it a haven within my home. Flylady says you should treat your bedroom like a hotel room and I hope to get ours closer to that by the end of the week. So here are the "before" photos. Hopefully my "after" photos will show a good contrast to what you see here.
This is the view of our bedroom from the doorway. I purposely didn't move anything before I took the photo. So there's clothing on the bed (along with a cat) and a bunch of stuff on the floor.

Here is this awesome writing desk I bought many years ago in an antique store. I recently spent some time going through it on the inside and reorganizing it. The paper clutter on the floor is actually headed to the burning barrel after being purged from the desk.

And here is one of the two dressers in the room. It is from my dad's childhood home and is a beautiful piece. Sadly, it's covered with clutter as is the floor next to it. But not for long!

This pile of hangers is from a closet decluttering experience in my oldest son's room and I just need to add these to my stash of adult-sized hangers. Not sure why my little one's tool box is sitting there, but it has been for a long time. It will take me about 6 steps to put it in the right spot........HIS bedroom! And about 10 steps to put the 2 pairs of shoes into their right spot........MY CLOSET!

This is one of two bookshelves in our room. I have recently purged a bunch of books and am actually planning on finding other homes (either in our house or someone else's) for the books shown here. I plan to remove this shelf from our bedroom completely. Not sure why there's lotion on the floor.........hmmm........should be easy to fix that one.

UGH! I hate this next one. This is the clutter that has accumulated between the wall and my side of the bed. It will probably take me less than 3 minutes to fix this.

Here's the top of the dresser I showed a few photos ago. Being a horizontal surface, it tends to collect a lot of "stuff." By the end of my makeover, I hope much more of the surface will be visible and that it will look neat and pretty. The wreath in the picture is one I found during a recent decluttering episode. I am thinking of hanging it above our bed along with three white metal pieces I found when cleaning the writing desk.

I found the mirrored tray shown below at a thrift store many years ago. Over the years it has become a repository for my necklaces since I haven't had a better way to store them. I recently bought a belt hanger that will be used to store my necklaces from now on. So be prepared to see a shiny, polished tray here in the near future. I have a perfect little candle that I am planning to put on this tray. You can see it kind of in the photo above on the far left.
You can see I have some great pieces of furniture in this space. Hopefully they can become more of a focal point once I'm finished with my "missions" from Flylady this week. A main reason I'm posting this is that I really believe in the Flylady system after trying it for the past several weeks. This is a really crazy week for me. DH is out of town for a few days and my oldest son has soccer games 3 out of the next 5 nights. I will be spending more time than ever running/driving from here to there and keeping on top of everything. However, I truly believe that I'll be able to tackle this project even in the midst of it by taking Babysteps. I'll try to post daily to keep you updated. If I can do this during the next 5 days, then any of you reading this can tackle those tasks you've been putting off.